1. You'll need to get the customers email address.
2. Click on "customers" on your dashboard and click "+new" on the top right, enter in their email, name and description.
3. Click on "Products" on your dashboard and click "+new" on the top right, choose type of product, name, after choose a currency as well as a billing interval,
4. Click on "customers" then "subscriptions" and click "+new" on the top right, choose your customer based off of their email and then add the product you've created for that customer, and add trail days to number of days that the trial should last for
5. you'll then need to select "email invoices for a customer to pay manually" and be sure to include a Stripe hosted link to the invoice so the customer can pay if they did not provide their card details upfront Once the trial ends the customer would be required to pay. You wouldn't be able to collect the card details upfront if you are only using Dashboard and not API
6. Once you've started your subscription and your customer pays the initial invoice their card information will be saved on file.
7. What you'll need to do from there is go back to "customers" then "subscriptions" and click into the customer you've created and select "update subscription" and from there you'll choose "Automatically charge a payment source on file" and update the subscription. This will make the process automated once done.